The Spirealm - Season 1 : Episode 78


  • Drama
  • Mystery
  • Comedy

The play is adapted from the novel "Death Kaleidoscope" written by Xi Zixu. It tells the story that Ling Jiushi, a VR game designer, decided to resign due to the unsatisfactory situation at work. A beta version of a game helped him forget his worries for a while. He unexpectedly received a game disc sent from abroad. After a car accident, he arrived at a corridor with 12 iron doors. Entering the door, a mysterious person helped him escape from the clutches of wolves in the forest and snow-capped mountains and welcomed him to the world behind the doors. It's extremely dangerous inside the doors, and one could lose his life if he's just a little careless. Subsequently, Ling Jiushi discovered a strange thing that if he encountered danger inside the doors and then returned to the outside world, he would also meet with misfortune.

Season 1 Episodes


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